Fight, Fight!

Well the strangest thing happened today, we went back to Morayshire for another walk in and out of the dunes, when I saw Cinnabar Moths, there were dozens of them! I had told " terry 115 " on his blip, that I hadn't seen these since I was a kid ( in Surrey ) But here they were flying about. They are daytime flyers. What was amazing was, I came across these two laying into each other, having a really good fight. It was hard to catch as the wings were a blur, but I managed to get this photo.It was the best one out of a few. Further on, on our walk another four Cinnabar's went into battle, so much that one left looking the worse for wear with tears in its wings. They don't seem very friendly towards each other. This was something new to me.
So here you have two Cinnabar's having a fight!

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