Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


I am very fortunate in having a good “scout” for my Blips in Mr. HCB!  He wandered round to the greenhouse (his baby!) before he went off to cricket today, came in and told me that there were some beautiful Cosmos flowers in the bed outside the conservatory.

I immediately went out there, as I needed a Blip for Abstract Thursday, and knew because I would have no transport, that I wouldn't be going out today.

Still in keeping with the impressionism theme, here are the Cosmos flowers at the top left and bottom right, with two Dahlias at the top right and bottom left - all grown from seed by Mr. HCB.

I used a new app - and you know how I love my apps - called PaintSnap, so they look as if they have been painted - and perhaps Van Gogh would have been impressed!  I will put the original collage in as an extra.

We have just had a couple of boxes of plants delivered - some glorious Echinaceas - also in as an extra - I am delighted with most of them, but one of them, the one on top of the gas meter box is very small with no label and looks a bit sad!  Given that we paid £12.99 for this particular plant, if it is Echinacea “White Meditation”, then I am very disappointed.  

I decided to write to Gardening Express as we have been delighted with all our other plants from them and they have just responded but I'm not happy with their response.  They said that the Echinacea was "as expected" - although I'm not sure they are right in that assumption because there was no label of any description, so how can they know it is the one we had ordered?  I have written back to them and will see what else they say.

Mr. HCB is going to move some of our grasses from the main border and replant them outside the conservatory with all the Echinaceas, so it should look very colourful - a Blip for another day!

I’m now going to sort out my calendar - lots going on, so I need to be careful I don’t overstretch myself.  M xx  

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