
By ayearinthelife

Water Under The Bridge

The recent rain meant that the river was quite high today, but my attempt to get an arty-farty shot of the water flowing beneath Victoria Bridge in Kendal, didn’t really come off. But I think it does illustrate why this particular bridge over the River Kent is known as “Batman Bridge” to the locals.
We’ve not done a lot today, as Mrs C is still suffering with her back after yesterday’s PT session, but we did manage to get out for a bit to do some shopping. Mrs C had a £20 Sainsbury’s gift card as a result of taking out car insurance through a comparison website, and I had a voucher worth £4.50 if we spent more than £30. By keeping an eye on what was going in the basket, we managed to get the total to £30.12! Which meant that we only had to pay just over a fiver for our shopping - result.
Mrs C had also discovered that she had a further reward from the website - a free drink from Greggs each month for the next twelve months. As August’s voucher was about to expire, we headed there next for a drink and a cake. I had to pay for my drink, obviously, but I’m sure I was undercharged for my cake!
Popped into the Air Ambulance charity shop after our coffee (it’s opposite the new Greggs) and found a few books we can take to read on our holiday at the end of September. Six books for £10 seemed like a pretty good bargain!
We thought we’d quit while we were ahead at that point - if we’d stayed out we might have started spending some of the money we’d just “saved!”

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