
By ayearinthelife


Apologies for the blurred image. I was walking down into town and heard a plane circling overhead. I thought it sounded like it had a Merlin engine, but the height of the plane and the fact that I wasn’t wearing my glasses meant I couldn’t be certain of the exact model. So I went for maximum zoom on my phone and snapped a picture before it disappeared. It’s not the clearest picture, but at least my suspicion that it was a Spitfire is confirmed.
After PT this morning (a good session for me, not so much Mrs C who hurt her back) we went to M&S to get something for tea. We walked out with a full bag of shopping and drove home. Where I discovered that the one thing I hadn’t bought was something for my tea!
Rather than add to my carbon footprint by driving back into town, I decided to go for a decent walk, stopping at M&S on the way round. Trouble is, after all that exercise, I’m not sure the small salad I bought is actually going to be sufficient. I may have to go out again…

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