The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


…………………………nail palette! I resisted them all.

Off on my travels again today down to Alnwick on the bus. Met up with E, one of my school friends and we went walking…and boy did we walk! We went to Hulne Park which belongs the Duke of Northumberland…despite the school bus skirting the outside of it twice every day throughout my grammar school days, plus it being literally behind the school it is somewhere I’d never been before. 

In extras, a map showing where we walked, in about 4.5 hours (including a picnic stop)…by the time I reached home again I’d walked just short of 25k steps which amounted to about 10.5 miles. A collage of some of the views…Brizelee Tower; Hulne Abbey (with the tower in the distance to its right); cave and statue, at the foot of Brizelee Hill and the view from the tower over towards the Cheviot Hills. Thankfully it was neither too warm nor too cold and there was a nice breeze all day.

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.

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