Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Flaming Slugs!

I had a terrible night.
Woken at 3am by somebody being picked up or dropped off by a taxi.
Took ages to get back to sleep only to be woken about 5am by a van. It may have been the fishmonger delivering our order - but it was about 20 minutes before the time stamp on the picture he send to confirm delivery.
I was up before 7am with a back and other bits causing lots of pain .... too much gardening yesterday.

I did some more gardening after breakfast ..... no bending all done standing up (and on a step-ladder) cutting the hedge. Mainly because the bin were were due today. However, I made a pigs ear of things as it wasn't the garden waste being collected - that is next week.
Never mind, it needed done and it was a nice morning.

After putting everything away SWMBO and I had a short walk to get some fresh air. Basically it was just round the school perimeter which takes in a small section of woodland.
I tried some arty-farty shots of the trees ... but they didn't work. Even the normal ones weren't great. They are over here with another couple of shorts of the Violas in the garden....which are looking nice despite the slugs.

SWMBO still isn't feeling great and when she headed back to bed I went out to the garage and made a couple of rather small boxes and put a couple of coats on finish on the vase.

And that folks .....  is it.

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