An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Making a splash...

Another session in the pool first thing and more sunshine to look out at.  It's amazing how much more motivated I am to exercise in the pool when there's a blue sky outside rather than grey.

Some tops I ordered from White Stuff arrived.  Five tops all the same size.  Two fitted perfectly.  Two were too small and one was miles too big!  What is that all about.?! They weren't even that different in style.  Fortunately the two that fitted were the ones I liked the best so will keep those.

Met my friend Janice for lunch at The Cairn.  Fiona was meant to come too but sadly couldn't make it.  We had a lovely lunch and a great blether.  Shocked ourselves when we came up for air and it was almost 6pm!!!  Fortunately they know us well there :-)  D and I had lunch there last Christmas Eve and I'd received an email yesterday saying they were taking bookings for this year.  We really enjoyed it so I've booked it again. 

Despite having a very long lunch, I was still home before D who was golfing in Leven.  He had an ok round.  

I've been thinking more about the sofa we saw yesterday and after looking online at what the Glasgow shop we had still to visit has to offer, we've decided to purchase the one we saw yesterday.  Just have to measure the space and work out what configuration we want.  I'm quite excited by the prospect.  Now need to seriously think about the rest of the decor in the garden room and kitchen.  Nice dilemmas.

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