A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Summer’s last blast

A lovely day. Not quite high summer the coolness can still be detected but still a lovely day.

Had my coffee in the garden and did a bit of tidying, mainly removing spent flowers and brambles. I even got the reward of a blackberry!

Didn’t do too much as my back is still a bit iffy and I didn’t want to make it worse. So I’m going to make the most of it by sitting outside to do some sewing. 

The Japanese anemones are looking their best and tge Sedums are attracting the bees in numbers even though they are not in full colour yet.

Chris wanted me to take some of his Fuchsias, they are all over the garden and I admit I tend to ignore them. We have lots in pots too but I didn’t get a shot I liked. He’s looking to see what he can enter in the village show. He’s just taken his trophy back from last years win.

It’s a week on Sunday and I won’t be here for it this year, it’s always a worry in case he doesn't win anything!

Have a good weekend blipfolks.

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