A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Amongst the brambles

Last day of August, a trans season walk this morning with blue skies, lovely sunshine and a coolness in the air.

We crossed the cricket field, all ready for the late season matches later today and climbed up to the path where I often collect blackberries. Though I’m not sure whether to get any more, as I still have some in the freezer ,  was rather regretting not taking a receptacle when this Peacock butterfly settled right in front of me. It allowed me to take several shots zooming closer each time, my best butterfly shot of the season so it had to be my blip for today.

We continued through the low woods, thinking about the bluebells we love to see here in the Spring, comforting somehow to know they will be here again whatever else happens next spring, to Betty’s Wood.  The trees there are now well above head height ( this is the area that was felled about 7 years ago because of disease ), most of the trees are Birch which I think are mainly self seeded but there are some colourful Rowans at the moment in amongst them.

Back past the golf course with lots of Saturday players out and in to The Ivy Kitchen for a coffee.  We timed it just right, there were three vacant tables out at the front and by the time our coffee arrived they were queuing out if the door.

Walked back through the village and called at the butchers for some pies but we were less lucky here, you’ve got to be quick off the mark to get his excellent pork pies at the weekend.

Just been sitting in the garden while Chris cuts the grass and I could hear the cheering from the cricket field, it still sounds like summer.

Just had a FaceTime with Jude, she wanted to show me her make up table - she’s 4 next month!  Building work is Saturday  well and it looks like I might have a bed when I go next week!

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