Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Hornet Mimic Hoverfly

I believe this is a hornet mimic hoverfly, but I'm no expert so you will have to tell me if I'm wrong!

It's feeding, once again, on wild marjoram because, yes, I had my walk on the Magdalen Hill Butterfly Reserve today.  I expected to be posting a butterfly, but didn't see anything very inspiring, so you have this instead of the clouded yellow I'd been hoping for.

Apart from my walk it's been gardening, which I enjoyed, and various domestic oddments.  The question of the day though, is do I buy the newly released book about Liz Truss by Anthony Seldon: will it interest me,  make me cackle, or simply infuriate me?

A few such question marks always help to keep the brain ticking over ;))

Enjoy your evening, all  xx

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