curns' corner

By curns

Starlight Express

Small disclaimer: I bought tickets to a preview show. Shows can change during previews, so what officially 'opens' could be different. My full review is here

Attending the first preview of the updated Starlight Express was an interesting experience. The new Starlight Auditorium is stunning, and the reworked staging and immersive elements were impressive. The performers, including twelve making their professional debuts, did a fantastic job. The integration of new and revised characters and songs felt seamless, and the high-quality sound system added to the spectacle.

Despite these positives, I had some reservations about the production. The pacing and energy of the show seemed off, and the new subplots diluted the core story, making it harder to connect with the main characters. The show didn’t quite capture the same excitement as the original, and I felt that the audience, including a small sample of children, was not fully engaged.

I wanted to love the updated Starlight Express, but my feelings are mixed. While I admired the staging and casting, I’m concerned that the production may not resonate with new audiences or rekindle the enthusiasm of long-time fans. I hope to see if the show evolves further before its official opening, and I’ll be thinking about my experience for days to come.

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