welcome to the real world

By dobbin

Day 4 in England

Chocolate spread and toast for breakfast…but actually just chocolate spread. Note to self: Shan does not like toast, or orange juice as it needs ‘just a littttlleeee more sugar’.

Soft play with Heidi today which was fun but a bit tiring so we had some fake tears. Managed to convince her to play for a bit longer before going back home for lunch. Noodles “ramen” for lunch with some salad, but apparently she doesn’t like healthy food anymore. Although cucumber was her favourite yesterday?

Shopping trip to Bromley to buy school shoes, skirts and PE kit. She was so good and patient. Cheeky first ever McDonalds on the way home. She loved her happy meal but more importantly the fact that it came with a TOY!

Auntie Bea came to visit and drop off some more school uniform, so of course we ran a fashion show for everyone. She looked so adorable and grown up.

A lot of tears, ‘I want to go back to Jamaica’ and a much needed phone call with Nana later she finally fell asleep with Daddy (Archie). Not sure how long before she sleeps in her room, but it’s still early days.

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