Eco Dad +

By EcoDad


back on secondment today, what a great bunch I am working with. A real sense of let's get this done and all working together for a common goal, how refreshing.

Got a phone call, it was an old friend from college, he was in town. Arranged to meet at lunch time, these are the phone calls that I enjoy.

Met up with George and Jackie(not a couple) to catch up. We don't really keep in touch but when George is back in Edinburgh we try and catch up.

It was nice to hear all the news and chat.

I discussed a meeting I was at today, I looked at the shoes of the attendees. I am a round toe shoe man, as is George, I never understood the pointy shoe.

It was interesting at the meeting the round shoe people knew what they were talking about and led the discussions, the pointy shoe ones were very quiet.

I giggled to myself as I thought,
'The pointer the shoe, the less work that I do.'

Met up with the Eco family(not son) on the way home from work and had a pleasant evening stroll.

Eco son returned home this morning crashed out in his bed and is away out again. I am looking after the kids and Juno tomorrow so will plan a day out.

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