Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Sea Hare

Great day out with the eco kids. We packed a picnic and headed down the coast.

The tide was out so we went rock pooling with Juno. The water in the pools was really warm. Found the usual crabs , shrimps and fish, then Eco daughter found 2 of these. They are sea hares I think have checked a book, I have never come across these before. Good find Eco daughter.

For more info for fellow rock poolers: Sea Hares

Collected a couple of Ikea bags of sea weed for the allotment, Eco son went swimming. Headed home and made tea. Then to the allotement to pick berries. Gooseberries, blackcurrants, logan berries, raspberries, tayberries and strawberries picked as much as I could. I also lifted the garlic a very good crop and a cucumber.

Could not face top and tailing gooseberries this will be a a morning job.

Have a good weekend.

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