The Sky

Rain in the morning, ment a chill out start to the day.

The kids wanted to continue their penalty shoot out so stayed with eco gran as Eco mum and I headed fort a walk with the dog.

We headed to a nature reserve as there would be no sheep and Juno could get off the lead.

A great start with a hen harrier flying around above our heads, butterflies and insects everywhere. The regeneration of trees was brilliant to see.
lost the sky as we were under a thick tree cover of old oak, hazel and birch. What a struggle and eventually we found some path markers and headed out into the sun and the hen harrier again.

Rest of the night spent packing as we were heading in the morning to Loch Sunart for another week,

We met no one and it was a lovely afternoon after such a rubbish morning.

I let Eco mum navigate and chose the route as she did not want to head to the beach, what a mistake.


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