Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


When I checked my phone first thing this morning there was a message on The Close Whatsapp Group - did anyone want any clumping cat litter.  There were three 15 litre bags going spare.  So I put a request in for one bag - and it was brought round soon afterwards. Turns out the 3 bags of litter were delivered a fortnight ago to one of my neighbours ... by mistake.  They came from Pets At Home.  She contacted them but they declined to come and collect them.  They said they would get in touch with the person who should have got them and ask her to pick them up.  Fast forward a fortnight and no-one had come for them.  So my neighbour phoned Pets At Home today and they said she could just keep them.  As she doesn't have a cat she decided to offer them to  anyone in The Close who wanted them.  I took one and two other neighbours with cats took the others. So a good start to the week.

Later on I got the bus to the Metrocentre.  Did some food shopping in Marks and Spencers and collected a parcel from a locker in W H Smith.  The Metrocentre was really busy.  I think its the last minute rush at the end of the school hols.   A lot of " Back To School " items were being purchased.

The Mono Monday theme is  Double Exposure.  Not a favourite of mine as I never know where to start or what to do.  I've ended up with  a combination of a shot I took at The Metrocentre of a brightly painted wall which had the words " Good Vibes " written on it ---- and a photo of Tino. Thanks Carolina to for hosting

Steps today 5,576

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