Another Day

By BlackTulip

Eye drop

I didn’t sleep brilliantly, but woke up feeling much better this morning.  As usual the decorators were here bright and early.

It rained overnight and after breakfast I had a quick foray of the garden and relocated about eighteen slugs.

I noticed a butterfly on one of the scabious buds and realised it must have been there all night and was waiting for warmer weather.  This gave me plenty of opportunity to take a hundred or so pictures, pull a muscle in my side and give me backache, and I have very few pictures of any use, if at all.  I also found a shield bug on one of the outside chairs but it was at an awkward angle and I’m not a contortionist.

An old neighbour from Oakley, who now lives in another village, called round for a long catch-up this afternoon, and we’ll need quite a few more before we can be anywhere near up-to-date.  Sadly her husband died of prostate cancer last year.  Outwardly she seems to be coping very well, but it can’t be easy.

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