'Snakes Alive........!!!!!!

My goodness .....what a fright I got tonight.....out watering the garden and THIS is what I see.....
"Kitty...Kitty..where are you??? come here quickly ..I think we have a snake in the garden....there's a horrible stripy thing on the garden path"!!!!!
"Annie...would you ever stop that shouting....I'm stalking .....and you'll frighten it off making that noise....."!!!!
"Kitty where are you ??? and what are you stalking"???
"There's strange long black things on the lawn.....and I'm here under the flowers...
and Annie....don't walk on my tail"!!!!!!!!!!!!
"AAAaaaaaah Kitty.......is THAT your tail"??????????????

Well it does look like a snake????? Doesn't it??????
He was soooo funny .....we made a video of his antics ..which I wish I could show you.......I don't know what was in his food tonight....but he went wild....(maybe he has a touch of sun-stroke).....the things he was stalking were black pegs from the netting that was over the berry bushes......before we realised what he was up to ...he made a pounce on them ......racing back and forth....he got trapped under the net and S had to release him......we fell round the place laughing....
he wasn't impressed!!!!!!

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