
Isn't this a 'strange' looking sunflower............!!!??
I love him.........!!
It started out looking like a fairly ordinary Sunflower......
but then did this strange 'thing' with it's petals.....
it's still perfectly OK....it's not wilting or anything....
and there are loads of blossoms on it...
there are one or two just opening now this evening..so I'm dying to see if they do the same thing......!!
I bought them for my Mum-in -Law for Mother's Day as seeds in a beautiful yellow bucket in M&S......she germinated them and gave them back to me to sow in my garden......I haven't grown Sunflowers for a long time but am delighted with these....

~sunflower....maybe you can help me identify them...or are they just ordinary ones doing something peculiar ??????

Now this evenings funny story>>>>>>....no sign of the Kitty in this Blip....cause my hubby was out with hose watering and sprayed S as she ran on her treadmill...I was about to feed Kitty his Temptations (after much meowing and begging)......but started laughing at S as she stud there drowned .....then he turned the hose on me.........I gave such a screech...I frightened the life out of
Kitty who took off up the wall....and wouldn't come down even for his Temptations.....just sat there looking at me....and S had to tempt him down...
I've said it before........we live in a mad-house........!

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