A time for everything

By turnx3

Back at Cowan Lake

We had a bit of a late start this morning, but once breakfast was over, we loaded our kayaks up - Laura and Liam had brought theirs with them - and returned to Cowan Lake, which R and I had visited about a week ago. We had a great paddle, and took a picnic with us, which we enjoyed lakeside afterwards. As you may imagine, being a sunny holiday weekend, it was a popular place to be. There was a sailing race going on in the centre of the lake, as well as quite a number of kayaks and several pontoon boats. By the time we were paddling back, the wind was picking up, and whereas originally we had thought we’d have our late picnic lunch then go out again, we changed our minds, and headed home. Laura and Liam had originally been thinking of going to the huge firework display downtown in the evening. We had gone several times years ago when the kids were teenagers, but we hadn’t been since then. It’s a great event, the fireworks being set off from huge barges in the middle of the Ohio river, as well as from one of the bridges. Back then you used to be able to take a shuttle bus from the adjacent neighborhood of Blue Ash, which worked really well, and saved the hassle of trying to find somewhere to park. However, they seem to have stopped that, and we all decided it wasn’t worth the effort. So instead we went out to eat at our favourite Middle Eastern/Lebanese restaurant, then played some more games when we got back.

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