
By Wildwood

Hotel Flamingo

This isn't exactly a doorway but is is a very prominent marker for a hotel resort at a very busy intersection. I was coming back from the hairdressers' and kew that I had long enough to take this picture when a car pulled up next to me, blocking the view. I pulled forward enough to get the picture and hoped that I wasn't into the intersection which has traffic going every which way.

The Hotel Flamingo is an exact replica of the first hotel built on the Las Vegas strip by Meyer Lansky in 1946 to bring some Hollywood glam to Las Vegas. That building, which forever changed Las Vegas, has since been torn down, but the one in Santa Rosa, built in 1957, with a distinctly mid-century feeling was recently renovated. According to Forbes, the update 'prioritizes comfort over celebrity and intent over indulgence'...whatever that means.

The revolving Flamingo sign rises high above the building and dominates the intersection. It too has been renovated, restoring its revolving function while faithfully retaining its original design. I thing it qualifies , if not as a doorway at least as a guide to the doorway.

By the time I got to my Pilates class today I really needed it. Kayla, the insurance lady came through with a quote and called at 8:30 this morning. We missed the phone call because I didn't hear it ring and had an hour and a half wait for her to get the message I left and call me back. I was docusigning the quote in the car as I drove to Pilates. I think all is in place for another year, although I would be happier with a bit more documentation to prove it.

The Pilates class helped and so did the haircut and chat with my wonderful hairdresser, Amy, but what will help even more is a glass of wine. 

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