
By SweetArt

A Celebration in Seattle

What a full on day today. Kelly and Danny had a party to welcome us to Seattle and also to celebrate a mutual friend's (who now lives in Seattle) significant birthday. So I got to make a cake and a biryani. Something I have never done in one afternoon and out of my own kitchen.

It was a very busy day but we all worked very hard to get the house ready and food cooked on time before everyone got here.

Big picture on right is the cake I made and Kelly helped finish decorate. That too, managed without any of my tools! I'm very proud of her and she had fun being creative. Good combined effort eh?

The biryani was really well received by ALL including the kids. I'm so happy that they liked it. Other photos are of Danny who bought some craft local beer and that smoked salmon is wild salmon, it melts in your mouth! Then the biryani and some other things I made, a pic with some of the 11 kids that were here and lastly, after everyone left, Danny pulled out this hose and connected it directly to the wall and started vacuuming.

Never seen anything like it. It's a 'central vac' and is connected to the wall which leads directly to the garage where there is a big bin/bag that gets emptied twice a year or something! What in the world?? I want one. Tired now ... zzzz

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