An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

How you doin’…

Today started badly but ended well.

I’ve been a Clumsy Col today. Despite covering up my top with kitchen roll, I bit into my bacon roll and a splodge of ketchup landed right on my top a millimetre to the right of the kitchen roll! Ele managed to eat hers without spilling a drop on her white t-shirt. Thankfully my top was rescued by a quick wipe with Fairy Liquid!

Later, opening one of the little paint tester pots, I dropped the lid and it also landed on my top and slid down!! Top was quickly sprayed with Vanish and put in the machine. It seems to have survived.

Ele left and a short while later LeeAnne arrived. Sometimes friends are like buses :-))

We’ve spent a lovely evening admiring how much we suit our new haircuts ;-))

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