An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Trouble’s back…

It was 3am by the time LeeAnne and I got to bed, after a bit of drama with a very large spider! After many attempts to remove it safely outdoors (LeeAnne attempting that, not me. I shouted encouragement from a safe distance :-)) she realised it was futile and stabbed it to death with a pen! The pen and the corpse are still stuck in the sliding mechanism of the bi-fold doors. D will remove them when he returns!

I woke just before 8am, dozed till 9am, then was just about to get in the shower when I got a message from Alan’s support worker Vickie to say she has Covid so Jordan would cover her shift today. Alarm bells started ringing as yesterday after he was showered and dressed, Alan just wanted to chill on his bed and watch TV. He was in a good mood and laughing, but it was still out of character for him to stay in his bedroom all day. Messaged Jordan and suggested he test Alan for Covid when he woke up.

I made it downstairs just before LeeAnne. We enjoyed a full cooked brunch and just as we were tucking in, Jordan messaged me to say Alan tested positive for Covid. Great. On the plus side he was full of the joys and said he felt ok, so I think he may be nearing the end of it. He was a bit tired and out of sorts this time last week and I think that may have been the start of it.

Waved LeeAnne off early afternoon and went to the study to paint a little autumnal card for Faith and Anna to send to them along with some photographs from their visit earlier in the summer. Then to the garden room for feet up and some crochet. So lovely to see the sunshine but I believe the eastern side of the country was covered by a thick blanket of fog.

Just before 5pm R brought Lola back. I was so happy to see her. I’ve really missed her. She gave me a cursory sniff and lick then ran past me looking for her favourite human. A fruitless search since he wasn’t due back till late evening.

David messaged just after 8pm to say his plane had landed at Glasgow and he was shattered. Four rounds of golf four days in a row in searing heat will do that to you! He also said he was loaded with the cold but also thought it might have been a reaction to the air conditioning being on all the time in the house in Spain and the car.

He finally got home at 10pm, after dropping an Edinburgh golf friend off at Queen Street Station in Glasgow then following a ridiculously long detour as part of the M80 motorway was closed! I had a bowl of chicken and vegetable soup and some crusty bread waiting for him. That cheered him up!

He really is loaded with the cold so I jokingly suggested that he should do a Covid test too. He did and yes, you’ve guessed right. He’s also tested positive!!

All week he’s been putting feeling hot down to the fact it was 34 degrees, his runny nose a result of the air conditioning and blaming dehydration for his headache! It now seems he’s had Covid from just before he went away but symptoms only started once he got there! Of course he had to tell everyone the good news.

He’s now banished to the front bedroom and I’m left wondering what my chances are of avoiding it.

Oh and I spotted a mistake at the start of the three rounds I crocheted of the baby blanket this afternoon and had to rip it back to where I’d started from. I may have uttered a very bad word.

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