A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Wet and warm

That sums up today’s weather apparently across most of the south of the country not just the south west. Having just watched the lunchtime news and weather it would seem the whole of the rest of the country is having unseasonal warm and sunny weather. No worries it’s soon going to turn cool everywhere!

Had a good sleep in my improvised bed but had to be up and about fairly early to be ahead of the builders. There was heavy rain followed by a lull as the girls headed out to get on the bike with daddy for school and nursery. Unfortunately there was a heavy shower again just after they left!

I had little choice but to head out in the rain too to walk into Bath. When I stopped at Landrace for a coffee I was roasted. Too warm for waterproofs, I removed my cardigan for the rest of my time in town as the waterproof was sadly definitely needed. 
Had a Cardamon bun with my coffee as a treat. They have gone up so they are really are a treat now.

A little time around the usual shops. Nothing new on in the Victoria Art Gallery and I didn’t want to pay to go in the Abbey so I just went in the shop, I eventually got the bus back returning via the Bailbrook house drive and the green.

Waiting now for Eda to be brought home, there’s no after school explorers club on a Friday and Grace’s new time table has a full Friday unlike last year. John will be off to the airport for his flight north and without a car here I can’t pick Eda up so luckily they have good neighbours with children at the same school who can bring her home today. Grace will get Jude later.

I love these flowers in Grace’s border. She’s wanted the large flowering hydrangea since they moved in, think it’s called Annabelle. I think they look great despite being a bit bowed by the rain. I also like the lilac Sedum (must find out what that is) the paler, Frosted Fire, like mine, is nearby. So this is my Flower Friday in a damp Bath blip!

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