Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Pink gladioli

We woke up to thunder and rain - it's strange weather at the moment. Gavin went for a run with Xena and got caught in a downpour which Xena did not like.

I went grocery shopping this morning to get things for the weekend, and did a few loads of laundry and other chores before heading off to Guildford where I was meeting my friends for lunch. This was a belated birthday lunch and we met at Pho, one of a Vietnamese chain of restaurants. I was very spoilt with presents and we had a lovely lunch, although I chose the wrong thing - I had a green papaya salad when my friend's green chicken curry looked more delicious!

While we were eating it poured down in an epic biblical fashion. I took my camera with me but due to the rain I never took any photos of Guildford. 

After lunch I did a bit of shopping, I seldom go into Guildford and even more rarely shop in stores - I always shop online. So it was a novelty for me to find trousers that I liked, try them on and as they fitted well I bought them. I also stocked up on some dark chocolate from one of my favourite chocolatiers, Montezuma :)

I got home in the late afternoon, and when desperate for a photo I remembered my lovely pink glads. Blip done!

Tommy and Inca bought me a new mouse for my computer for my birthday, my old one was dreadful and Tommy was so fed up with it he has bought me a really super duper one that has some function buttons on it - he then spent some time setting it up for me.

After all that gadding about in Guildford I now need to make dinner and do the ironing...back to reality!

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