There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Hippie Summer Selfie: Beach Bum, Bald Eagle SP

I'm going on down to Yasgur's farm
I'm going to join in a rock 'n' roll band
I'm going to camp out on the land
I'm going to try an' get my soul free
We are stardust
We are golden
And we've got to get ourselves
Back to the garden

My husband and I enjoyed our most recent swim at Bald Eagle State Park so much that we decided to go right back for more! With temperatures in the mid-70s F for the afternoon, we found conditions breezier than before, the water a bit warmer than last time, just a few more people on the beach, and a couple of boats on the water, making waves.

The beach at Bald Eagle will be open through September 15, which means swimming will be available there for at least one more week. So I can't say for sure, because there might still be time to go back, but this MAY have been our last swim there. 

Behind me in this shot are four big trees and the beach, and then nothing else but lake and mountains and sky. Okay, let me admit it: this is one of my favorite places, any time of year!

Before this photo, I'd just swum, showered in the outdoor shower, changed clothes, and dried my hair in the afternoon sun. The day was warm, the sky was blue. I was chock full of sunshine and good will, we were getting ready to leave, and I was wondering if and when I'd be back again.

So I stood up from my chair and spun around toward the sun, and tried to get an angle where the sunlight didn't blind me. And I snapped a few selfies, of which this is one. I'm not much good at selfies, somehow I always end up looking like a chipmunk, but oddly, I liked this one. I thought I looked happy, and I was!

Oh, and those white sunglasses? They are one of the two pairs I broke back in August on the same day; I glued them, and they've been fine! My hair is quite long, and I usually wear it up. But this is me channeling my inner Barb, with my hair loose and even a little curly. I hadn't brushed it yet. Do I look like a woman who's been running wild all summer long?

That's because I have been! I've been outdoors every moment that I can, tucking in every single adventure that I can, enjoying every summer experience that I can. A friend told me I looked like a hippie in this photo, and I love that. So this is me, showing you what I plan to do with my one wild and precious life!

My soundtrack song is Joni Mitchell, with Woodstock, some of whose lyrics appear above!

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