An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The Green Man's bedding in...

A quiet day here at Covid Central.  

D was still asleep at 12.30pm.  I left him till 2.00pm then suggested from a safe distance that I make some lunch.  I sat in the kitchen to eat, he sat in the living room.  And that pattern has continued all day.  We're like ships that pass in the night!

Alan was a bit quieter today but still giggling at the film he watched.  Here's hoping it was a comedy.  

For the bulk of the afternoon I shut myself in the studio.  Ele bought me three little autumnal gonks and they've inspired me to paint my own interpretation of them.  I'll give the best of the bunch to Esme as part of her birthday gift next weekend.  She can put it on display for Halloween.  

Before going to the studio I spent a little time in the garden.  Two sunny days in a row!  I feel spoiled!  Still lots of colour in the garden and that makes me happy.  The Green Man looks right at home now in his little flower bed.  As the plants have grown and spread, he doesn't look quite so lonely :-)

D had another long snooze late afternoon.  He did feel a bit brighter today so he's hoping he will test negative by Monday.  We will check Alan again then too.  So far I don't have any symptoms and hoping it stays that way.  

D was able to take Lola a short walk round the block then we had an Indian takeaway for dinner.  Sitting in separate rooms of course.  It's like having a lodger!  hahahahahaha! 

P.S. Just uploaded this blip then did what I always do...check what I blipped on the same day last year.  Turns out it was The Green Man!  Spooky or what?!!!  Life is a circle right enough! :-))

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