An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Art as a form of...

Procrastination therapy :-))

I was awake just before 8am, and despite only having had 4 hours sleep I felt remarkably awake so got up and got showered and dressed.  

D texted me to say Alan's support worker Blake also has covid.  He turned up for his shift this morning and mentioned he'd had a bit of a cough. Penny suggested he take a covid test and bingo!  He said he felt fine though and was happy to work, so I've spent the day in a house with three covideers (a word I've made up :-)  Bets are off on how long it will take for me to join that exclusive club!  

That said, the house is like fresh air fortnight with just about every window and the back door open, and I'm not in a room at the same time with any of them so with a HUGE amount  little luck, I hope to escape it.

After lunch I headed back to the studio, again to work on Mairi's thistle but decided to carry on painting the little pen and wash autumnal gonks I started yesterday.  The one I've decided to give Esme is my main blip along with the card I painted for Anna and Faith, with the other, still to be completed gonks, and Esme's completed gonk, in extras.  Two of the  shots feature the little gonks bought for me by Ele, that inspired my work :-) Maybe tomorrow I will actually do some work on the thistle!  Jeez how many times can I say the word gonk?!!!!

Late afternoon I remembered I was meant to be cooking chicken korma and beef stew for the freezer!  (Just to clarify, that is two separate dishes! ) Thankfully the stewing steak has a use by date later in the week, so can do that tomorrow, but the chicken had to be used by today.  Too late to make it in the slow cooker as planned, so prepared it and into the Aga simmering oven it went.  Four hours later, perfect curry.  

I have a health check at the Health Centre tomorrow and D is supposed to be getting a steroid injection to treat his trigger finger but unless D has a negative covid test in the morning, both appointments will have to be rescheduled.  

I am SO impatient for this bout of covid to be over.  It makes me wonder how we ever coped with lockdown! 

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