
By SparseRunner


Weeks ago I bought a ticket for tonight's game between the Boston Red Sox and the Chicago White Sox, but there was nothing on last night socially, so I bought a cheaper ticket for the first game of the series between the two teams. I'd heard of Fenway Park as being an iconic venue, but it was still impressive. The oldest Major League stadium, it was built in 1912, and the seat I was in last night dated from 1934. I'm used to Europe doing "old things" better than the USA, but this is like no major stadium I've experienced in the UK. So, this afternoon, in preparation for tonight's game I went in the stadium tour and learned more about the history of this place.

Chicago White Sox is much the worst of the Major League clubs, so I was expecting a home win last night (see extra), but it came late when the only home run of the night (a home run double) gave the Red Sox a 3-1 win.

Tonight I have a seat "in the gods" with a superb view. I hope the game measures up to it.

Oh, and the NumFOCUS meeting finished at lunchtime.

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