Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Mark Making

As they call it in early years education these days. Personally I prefer to call it writing. She wanted to write her own name on her Daddy's birthday card so copied what mummy wrote for her. I'm pretty impressed with our two year old .
Thank you for all the love for Eilidh yesterday, we are very proud of her. She'll certainly do her best in her role and I'm sure it will give her an enormous confidence boost too. It's always good to be chosen by your peers.
I had a day of running around helping out others today, which was fine, the weather was pretty awful.
I spent half an hour at minor injuries waiting for Josie's daddy who had sustained an injury at his 5 a side football session. Fortunately they don't think it's serious this time, so he was back home again fairly quickly.
We missed out on the sunshine again today, but the webs were looking good with the raindrops on them. This one on the back of the car (extra) survived all my driving about.

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