The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Hanging Around

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today was one of those slightly frustrating days as we waited around for 11 hours for a delivery before they confirmed it wouldn’t be coming. On the plus side, Victor did lots of those annoying odd jobs while we waited!

Smashley is up in Edinburgh for a few days as he’s going to a wedding at the weekend so we went out for a couple of beers tonight. He was telling me that the last wedding he went to was very image conscious. Halfway through the reception, the band stopped as the bride wished to say something. Everyone was expecting a short speech possibly to thank some people or to say what a great day she was having, but no, the big news was that the wedding video would be on Instagram at 2 am!

It was lovely catching up with him. I’m going to try to visit for a couple of days when both of the Mini Princesses are back at uni as I will have lots of time on my hands.


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