
By hazelh

Red rowan berries

On a grey day in Wester Ross, these red rowan berries are a cheery sight.

We've enjoyed a quiet day relaxing into our new surroundings while watching the weather clear across the bay. The morning started with mist. This eventually lifted to allow patches of blue to peep out from between the clouds. 

Given our listening material on our journey here, we were delighted to find the DVD of Titanic on a shelf in the sitting room when we first arrived at the cottage yesterday. We watched the film this afternoon. It has been fascinating to follow the timeline of events and see the actors' depictions of the historic figures in the story, even though the plot felt a little laboured.

I also spent some time this morning checking 56 catalogue entries for the next (and sixth) auction that features items from the clearance of my parents' house at the end of June/beginning of July.

Mr hazelh is over the worst of his cold now - hurrah! I have suffered a few sneezing fits today, but I am responding well to Lemsip.

Exercise today: none.

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