
By MerrilHope

in and around Akbuk

Well, today turned out to be nothing like the day I'd planned - but it really doesn't matter. What does matter is that the Amazon delivery man found my villa with the 10kg sack of cat food I ordered a couple of days ago. So what's special about that? I hear you say - well, a while back, all the street numbers were officially renumbered by the council, but no-one told the nice Google maps lady. So if you Google my official street number, you ain't gonna find it.  

Now imagine you're a courier for Amazon....

But that's ok, I put the old street number in the "extra information" box so Mr Delivery Man could check with Mrs Google Maps.


A very pleasant but rather expensive evening meal at Esinti with Bev and Nigel, when I took today's photo.  Not tired yet of Akbuk sunsets. 

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