Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

How many?

How many beans make 5?
My dad used to wind me up by asking me that all the time when I was wee!
I still don't know what it was all about. I was a very logical child though and always wanted to know how he got to answers. The fact that this didn't have an answer used to push my buttons every time.
One of his other irritating responses was when I asked, in Edinburgh fashion, "How?" meaning "Why?" He would without fail say "Fried!" He wasn't from Edinburgh if he was he would likely have said "How no?"! (Meaning, Why not?). It's difficult when your parents speak a different language to you.
We are finally getting a decent crop of beans. I wonder if I inadvertently bought a late fruiting variety .
Today I went to do the first of my home Communions , now that we no longer have a Rector. It's very strange, I feel that I have just slipped back into the routine of almost 5 years ago. I was made very welcome and it was lovely to have time to chat. I'm visiting another friend tomorrow. It's very strange but these are the people I looked up to and respected - I still do - when I was a child and young woman and now I'm 70 and they are mostly in or approaching their 90s.
I made chicken pies this afternoon from the casserole I made yesterday, they look good if I do say so myself.
Josie came home and over tea, when they asked what she'd been doing in nursery today, she said "Penis is orange". She repeated it several times. I'll leave that thought with you overnight!

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