
By Tryfan46

Grey tabby

As animal blips are few and far between in my journal I’m treating you today to this rather fine looking cat who’s eyeballing me from the vegetation. He? is rather pretty don’t you think? And worth a place in blipland.

The morning was taken up by a walk to visit M&S and Cotswold Outdoors shop where I purchased clothing of various types.

By the time we’d go home and had lunch there wasn’t much of the afternoon left and most of that time was taken up with a transatlantic discussion.

After dinner we went to Planet, People, Pint; one of the regular BearstedCAN events bringing together people who are interested in environmental concerns and climate change.

Thank you again for your continued good wishes, congratulations and hearts for Sunday’s Rolvenden selfie. It has peaked on the first page of Popular.

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