I Witness

By KangaZu

Tiny Tuesday ...

... decay.

I had fun again this morning wandering around the backyard with the new macro lens.  There is a lot of decay in the garden this time of year.

But when I stumbled upon this ultra tiny moth (it's the size of head of a pin) I knew I had my blip.  The decay is in the flower ... which is a species of Morning Glory.  These beautiful flowers will open up during the night and then by mid-morning curl up into themselves.  I'm having a hard time identifying the tiny moth.  If anyone knows what this is ... please let me know.  BTW: This is a hand-held shot.  Please have a look full screen.

Thanks to McCaviti for hosting this month.  Welcome to the world of blip hosting.  I hope you're having fun.  

I've added into Extras a beautiful monarch butterfly that emerged in our monarch nursery this afternoon.  She emerged quite late in the day so we are keeping her overnight and will release her tomorrow into the sunshine. 

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