
By hazelh

Inverewe Garden

We've had a great day on holiday with the Foxes in Wester Ross. 

We started with a trip to Inverewe Garden. Even though I have been there dozens of times in the past, I love making return visits to the site, especially with people who have never been there before (as was the case for our friends today). I don't think that I have ever spent so long there as we did today. We even took a coffee break mid-visit. My main blip shows a gate from the walled garden to the shoreline. In the extra is a shot of one of the lily ponds.

Afterwards we took the Foxes down to Mellon Udrigle. This short expedition was to prove to them that the Outer Hebrides don't hold a monopoly on all of Scotland's gorgeous white sand beaches. 

Then it was back to the cottage for a very late lunch followed by games. We played Catan twice, several rounds of Lama, two versions of mean Dobble, and Azul. We had considered driving over to Poolewe for beer and pizza night in the village hall this evening, but instead opted for a cosy night in with tuna pasta bake and apple pie and custard for our supper.

The Foxes' holiday plan states that they leave us tomorrow, but we have a feeling that they might like to stay another night here. We would love that.

Exercise today: walking (13,091 steps).

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