'Later For Lunch'.........!!

At last my tomatoes are showing signs of ripening.....they look lovely..
and the smell in here in the glasshouse is practically tropical....
serious heat and water dripping down...
It was just after the thunder & lightening.....which I slept thru'....!
So it was very muggy....but no rain.....and we are having quite a nice day after it..
altho there is more forecast!!
Kitty Boy was around early too...shouting at me to come out and feed him...
Of course, I did as I was told....!!

Have just eaten some tomatoes and there really isn't a taste like them picked just fresh off the plant....have picked some Broad Beans too for dinner later...!
Have also made my Blackcurrant Jelly.....7 lovely pots of dark black Vitamin C goodness for the Winter months.......!

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