Keith B

By keibr

Bear Cave

I was looking at my home area on Google Maps a few days ago and I came across a "Bear Cave" (Björngrotta) not so far from where we live, and a short way from one of my favourite cycle trips. So for today's adventure I decided to see if I could find this cave and as you can see from the blip I succeeded.
On the map there's no path marked but I was hoping there would be some sort of trail to follow and sure enough there was a small blue paint spot on a tree along the track and a faint path leading up the hill. 10 minutes of steep forest later I reached the cave (see extra).
Like most caves in granite it was short. I took the main picture from the very back of the cave. There were definitely no bears in Bear Cave, but I wasn't surprised by that.
The hill I was climbing up to reach the cave is called Åberget, and on the official Swedish maps the cave is called Åbergs Cave. Maybe the person who placed it on Google maps didn't know the Swedish name, or maybe they just thought "Bear cave" was a much sexier name!!
A few meters from the cave there was a wonderful view point (extra photo) where I ate my banana as I admired the view.
I feel very privileged to live in a place with so much forest and so few people! Perhaps something to do with growing up in London!
Later in the day we went to the cinema to see the film Beetlejuice, the new one not the original from a long time back. I don't think it will win any Oscars but it was a lot of fun in many ways, which is no surprise in a Tim Burton film. If you enjoyed the original you will probably enjoy this one too.

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