A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Late summer Nerine

Another glorious morning enhanced by two bright red hot air balloons drifting over Bath as I got up around 7.30am. It must have been a bit nippy up there.
Everyone was off today, Grace to work and John taking Eda to school on her bike and Jude to nursery pre school on his way to work.

After breakfast we set out to walk on the Kennet and Avon canal but instead of following it into Bath we went the other way towards Bathampton. We walked without jackets but I could have done with a pair of gloves!
The canal was lovely and serene. Quiet except for the odd bike or jogger and one or two passing craft on the water. 
We walked along the towpath till we reached Bathampton, on the opposite side of the river Avon from my walk with Grace on Wednesday.
Leaving the canal we crossed the  National Trust owned Bathampton Meadows eventually crossing the Avon to enter Batheaston. 

Before crossing the road to Gather for a coffee, we popped into the Riverside Secret Garden, have been here in the past for Forest School with Jude, as I remembered it was the right time of year for Nerines and I had seen them here before.
Only three plants flowering but lovely to see in the sunshine.

By now we were warm but coffee was welcome as always.

Caught the bus to Bath, the three mile walk was enough for us though we have done it before and returned along the riverbank.

A couple of things to get in town and a bite to eat in Kingsmead Square before getting the bus back. I think it must be the Jane Austin weekend as we first saw a group in costume in Bathampton (Americans I think) and there were more dotted around in Bath. I walked alongside two girls dressed beautifully but both were somewhat incongruously on their phones. I remember seeing this last year.

Just an hour to relax and then off to pick Eda up from school. Just before we headed off a text buzzed through from John with the attachment - ‘New Rules for school pick up’! Think we managed it OK!

Waiting now for the others and Eda is building a home in Duplo/Lego for a little Orca whale we got her in Larkhall. The magic charity shop was closed so we went to ‘expensive’ Leak. 
Bless her she found something for £1.50, cheaper than the blanket £2 charge for toys in the charity shop.

Our evening to go to the theatre. It’s looks like staying fine but it’s a late show so I think we will take the car.

The builders got the windows in and when I asked K about the weather this morning he said the forecast was for no rain for 2 weeks?!

Happy Friday

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