Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Faces of Fiona #86

With her Boppa! We picked up a hot and sweaty Tatum from soccer camp today and then Fiona from her school. She was very excited to show us everything in her new "Beetle" classroom where she has just moved up with the bigger kids. They were outside playing when we came - she still shrieks at the top of her very loud lungs and comes running as fast as her long legs go past me and Tatum, to jump into Boppa's arms. who can barely carry her anymore she's getting so big. Here they are on the floor (that's another not as easy as it used to be feat...) reading many books she kept bringing him. And then she talked non stop til we brought them home after dinner. Tatum (Hihowareyaspray) did a blip from here - we thought she we could do it from her favorite toy (my ipad) but we couldn't figure out how to use the app with someone else's blip had to go to the computer..... We are preparing ourselves for a big day tomorrow with the grandsons here (and downtown) and then everyone at the pool for a swim and barbecue dinner (Boppa said he wanted to see them swim...!)

a few more from today on flickr.

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