
By KathyH58

Friday the 13th

Actually it was a good day, despite the superstitions around Friday the 13th. The sun was shining, temperature was in the low 20's C this afternoon. There was only 4 of us at work today, so we didn't get quite everything done. We were moving some periwinkle from one property to another. There is still a large section with periwinkle on the one property, I talked to the home owner as we were leaving, and she agreed with me that the other section should be removed too. When we are there on Wednesday to spread some mulch, I will tell the crew to remove it.

After doing some grocery shopping and errands late this afternoon I picked up a burger and a milkshake and sat down at the Dartmouth waterfront to eat it. I watched 2 cruise ships and a container ship leave the harbor while I was there. A third cruise ship was still tied up at the dock, it was scheduled to leave later this evening.

Off to the valley tomorrow, I need to pick up a truckload of plants for jobs for the coming week.

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