Big Butterfly Count 2013

I can't believe a year has gone by since last year's Big Butterfly Count.
The dates this year are from July 20th (tomorrow) until August 11th
Big Butterfly Count 2013 website

A couple of weeks ago, it looked as though we might be documenting a sorry situation, but the sunshine has changed things, we can hope. It's fun to enter your sightings and to look at what others are finding in your neighbourhood.

I am hoping for a few sightings in my garden - but it's thin pickings at the moment.

My buddleias are showing promise, but not attracting anything much - yet. I have one stubborn and difficult white butterfly visiting from time to time - and another which I think is a Small Tortoiseshell (but it hasn't hung around long enough for me to be sure !)

I think my white visitor is a Green veined white
This photo is easier for identification, but not as crisp as the one I've chosen to Blip.

Meanwhile in the other bed, the David Austen new rose is
doing rather nicely

Enjoy the sunshine blippers and have a good day

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