Capital adventures

By marchmont

Camera fail

My phone is failing, freezing, being v v slow and not taking photos so this blip is not Willow on the the cushions but some info #3 son needed. Of course he's on holiday so I needed to photo the documents he needed and it took ages as the camera just wasn't working. Aagh! But at least it worked eventually, so a blip was saved. 

The rest of the day revolved round booking the Van Gogh exhibition at the National Gallery,  some housework, making soup, strenuous exercise with L and then the garden. 

I was hauling out the overgrowth, mainly wild strawberries and lily of the valley. The brown bin is now full and I've only just started. 

Later after all the cats were fed I ate and watched some more Sherwood, nearly finished but I had to go to bed. Turned out just in time (unplanned) for the singalong bits of the Last Night on my phone.  I sang along with gusto. 

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