
By antipodean

MYT Day 4: Group Photo!

This is almost everyone who came on MYT, barring the two people who left early and the group that came up for the day yesterday. What a cool bunch of people, hey.

Today was our last full day in Phillip Island. Again, we had a pretty late start due to our awesome night before. The weather was looking questionable and I was feeling seedy so I decided I didn't want to do anything much. Phoebe and I watched while a few people hit the spa, and we watched as most of the group went off to play mini golf, but about the most productive thing we actually managed to do was make lunch. It was an awesome lunch though!

As we were eating, a massive storm hit - thunder, lightning, gale force winds and epic rain. It got super dark and the clouds and rain were so thick that we couldn't see across the bay to the town on the other side like we could the rest of the time. The mini golfers returned looking a bit like drowned rats, which made me super glad I decided not to go.

We had a craft evening before dinner - Julia, Tessa and I made collages, and Phoebe made macaroni necklaces, while Tiff and Kegs (and maybe some other people?) played Mr Squiggle. After dinner (and more craft), we watched Transformers, and then the poker game going on in the background because it was more interesting, and then we played mafia. Mafia is an awesome game, if a bit hard to follow at first.

After mafia we embarked on an epic clean up mission. I totally thought we wouldn't be able to clear up all the stuff we'd left around the place, but I was wrong - the house looked pretty good, and we did enough that there wasn't too much left for the morning.

I took three group photos - this was the first one and the nicest. I really like it, even if it's not technically the best photo ever. I really enjoyed spending the week with these guys, and it's been nice to chill out and not worry too much about everyday life.

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