
By LadyFindhorn

This and That

I had another quick turn about after our dip this morning to catch the 9:37 am bus to the big smoke of Kirkwall. I failed to check on cruise liners in the harbour and was a bit unnerved to see the huge Celebrity Apex berthed at Hatston pier with the possibility of 3,200 tourists unleashed on the town. Fortunately, Tesco didn’t seem to be on their ‘to do’ list and neither were the cafés, so my visit was not unduly impacted by their presence. At least in Kirkwall as opposed to Edinburgh the crowds of tourists on the streets aren’t  dragging cases or pulling along reluctant children.

Business completed, I had another lesson this afternoon in block printing on fabric by my resident tutor, the blipper EllyJay. I may have acquitted myself slightly better than last week, that is for her to say,  but I do realise what a fumbling novice I am. I came away with 4 potential handkerchiefs rather than a yard of dress material. It was fun again and I have to say a huge thank you to EllyJay for her endless patience and good humour.

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