
By 58jc

Note to self......

........get to the gym earlier!!  The class is getting more popular and crowded and strictly speaking as I had not booked I should not have turned up, however nobody said anything!

I went straight from the gym to have a coffee with M - driving along the Ashford Road spotted an ex colleague looking very different.  I still think about old times and everything that happened, but only briefly and then move on again quickly.  Strange as I also had a message from ex FC - I replied with a long chatty message and got two lines back?  What is it with some men and messaging - although I suppose he is more about numbers than messages?  

Lovely to see M and hear about S and the premature arrival (10 weeks) of baby Z.  

No.1 and JC arrived home late afternoon and had enjoyed a wonderful evening in Canterbury - everything had gone to plan and sounded like they had a great time.  JC worried that No.1 is getting more confused and I seem to think so too?  Although it might be tiredness or just that we are hyper-sensitive to any change?

Early night due to the excitement of the weekend but she couldn't sleep and seemed fairly anxious so I found some plinky plonky spa music on Spotify and set a timer for half an hour and that seemed to do the trick.

Another day, onwards.

OH is away for three days this week playing golf in Lincolnshire - pleased they are having good weather and he is enjoying the break.

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