Beach Day

The weather forecast looked good so we decided on a 'last' beach day of the summer.  Picnic packed and car loaded we headed off............only to find wind and lots of cloud!  We have a very comprehensive beach kit including large fishing umbrella and wind break (not to mention sun beds, books, towels, wine, cool box etc etc) so we were undeterred and spent a very pleasant few hours reading, listening to the waves and snoozing.  Unfortunately cross words almost spoilt the afternoon but apologies were given (from me) and we ended the afternoon with a nice walk.

No.1 was spending the day in London and meeting up with JC's family and I was thinking of her pretty much all day hoping that she was feeling ok and was having a good time.  It has become a bit of a 'slog' now....... almost a year in............ such an unfair roll of the dice.  BUT on positive days, we remain positive xxxxx

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