
By 58jc

Next Year

Siblings Whatsapp chat suggested that we get tickets for this next year.  My Nephew M is a keen theatre goer and did junior Am Dram including lights and music - he is now working in London so keeps a keen eye on what is coming up.  Tickets booked and date in the diary for May 2025.

No.1 was feeling ok today and we had a list including nails and eyebrows in advance of the wedding they are attending at the weekend.  I couldn't get booked with my normal girl but found a place in town (money laundering, illegal staff - who knows but it was a good manicure).  We also called into Peacocks (never been there before but there is not much choice now all the shops are closing) and managed to get some good bargains for a good price).

Home for a snooze and I did some sewing - easy dinner Budha Bowls with prawns.  OH having a good time playing golf.

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